
Köd Rákospalotán

Molnár András: Köd Rákospalotán (Képeslap/Magány)


Levegőminőség Bp-n

Budapest légszennyezettsége

A határértéket legjobban megközelítő/meghaladó szennyező aránya az egészségügyi határérték százalékában

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Nincs megjeleníthető elem

I hope

betax 2011.04.30. 09:42

Tegnap este Lányi Andrással beszélgettünk szűk baráti körben. Azt hiszem biztatott minket. Nagy élmény volt beszélgetni vele kötetlenül - már végigjárta azt az utat, amit részben mi is járunk...


I hope you understand what fear is before you have to feel it.

I hope my neurosis don't rub off on you.

I hope you always have enough to eat.

I hope you're never bullied and I hope you never bully others.

I hope you find love.

I hope you don't die before your time.

I hope you don't blame yourself for things that are not your fault.

I hope you're always playing your tape and I hope you'll visit me when I'm old.

I hope you are true to yourself.

I hope that rejection doesn't stop you loving.

I hope you never experience war.


What, are you come to teach me?

Well, would you want 'Philosophy' or 'The New Wayne Rooney' ?

Will it be poetry that lights your eyes?

Mine are shining and my tears flow free...

Oh my son, what have I done?

Brought perfection to this world of confusion heedlessly...

Now you're the one feeding me,

Because I never knew love like this, endlessly reaching back through eternity that I can clearly see in your face when you smile at me and grab my finger.


I hope you outlive your parents.

I hope you never bury your children.


I hope you outlive your parents.

I hope you never bury your children.

I don't mind whether you're a boy or a girl, I just want you to be healthy.

I hope we enjoy every minute of you growing up.

I hope you lead your world to victory.


Szólj hozzá!

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